Sweet and starch cravings are what make you fall off diets – and the medications that block them

Sweet and starch cravings are what make you fall off your diet, not hunger. There are several prescription medications than can safely and signficantly decrease your carbohydrate cravings. Topemax (a migraine medication), Zonegran (a seizure medication) and Naltrexone (an alcohol medication) are all standard of care treatment in bariatric (weight management) medicine. These drugs can […]

Overweight is not excess calories – but excess fat storage

Overweight is not excess calories but excess fat storage. When I was growing up there was 10% obesity, now 60% of us are fat. It’s not fast food. There has been McDonalds and Diary Queen and Baskin Robbins as long as I remember. The problem is excess fat storage, caused by eating too much carbohydrate […]