Calories are pretty darn relentless, which is the reason you can’t be on Atkins and eat 3000 calories a day and
expect to lose weight. Except if you limit your carbohydrate intake to about no more than 8 grams per feeding,
you can probably freely feed for about 2 months and lose weight. After 2 months, all bets are off, because the
studies show that free-feeding low carbohydrate weight loss, tends to stop after 2 months. What we don’t know
at this point in time, is exactly how many calories of protein and fat (without carbohydrate) you can eat and still
lose weight. It’s certainly not true that all calories are alike, because studies show that patients lose twice as much
weight eating 1500 calories of protein and fat (65% fat, 35% protein) in a month, than when they eat 1500
calories of protein and fat and carbohydrate. There’s certainly a metabolic advantage to low carbohyrate eating,
because fat storage is less efficient. We just don’t know the exact percentage of calories you save, by eating low
carb compared to eating a traditional balanced diet. My rule is that calories count somewhat. We just don’t know
the “what” yet, so if you want to lose weight, try to keep your low carb calories under 1500 a day.