t’s essential to deal with your carbohydrate cravings, because you cannot cheat at all and expect to lose weight.
Sugar free popsicles are like sugar free Jello, free and unlimited on the program. If you are craving potatoes, take
a cauliflower, steam it, then mash it up with fat free sour cream and put I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter on it. If
you are craving crunch, whip up some eggwhites and bake them in the over until they are brown. If you are
craving savory crunch, add salt to the eggwhite before you whip them up. If you are craving sweet crunch, add
artificial sweetner. Diet pop is very helpful to control sweet cravings, diet tonic water works even better because
of the quinine. If you are craving pudding, make zabaglione by adding ariticial sweetener to egg yolks and a little
vanilla or almond extract, and beat the yolks over a double boiler until they are the texture of pudding. You can
eat this warm or cold.