Being successful at weight loss is mostly about not doing anything stupid or disasterous when you cheat.
Everyone cheats. The secret is to cheat in a way that’s not going to completely kill your weight loss. If I can stop
you from cheating in bad ways, I can pretty muich guarantee that you are going to lose weight. Everyone cheats
on charbohydrates – on some combination of sweets and starches. Figure out what food you are cheating on,
and see if you can come up with reasonable substitutes that are okay on Run, Walk, Swim or Fly. If you’re
cheating on ice cream, you can eat ice cream made from cottage cheese, ice cubes, diet pop and artificial
sweetner. If you’re cheating on pizza, try eating just the topping. If you’re cheating on bread, see if a pan full of
fried eggwhites satisfies you. If you are cheating on candy, see if sugarless gum or sugar-free Popsicles, or Diet
Jello helps. If you are cheating on potatoes, try cooking Jerusalem artichokes or caulflower like potatoes, and
see if this works. Just like the real secret to making money in the stock market is to avoid getting killed when the
market goes down, the real secret of losing weight is finding a way to cope with cheating – so you can cheat and
still be on my diet.