Multivitamins will make you hungry and slow down your weight loss. Most antidepressants make you ravenous,
cause your body to store fat, and make you gain weight. I’ve seen patients gain 120 pounds in 6 months due to
antidepressants. Elavil, Tofranil, Sinequan, Celexa, Effexor, Trazodone, Lexapro, Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac – all
cause weight gain. The only antidepressant that doesn’t cause weight gain is Wellbutrin. In fact, most patients
lose 1-2 pounds a month on Wellbutrin, in addition to stop smoking. Insulin causes weight gain, by making your
body store fat. Avandia, Actos and Rezulin (diabetic medications) also cause weight gain. Lithium causes
weight gain. Steroids cause horrible weight gain. For 25% of the patients I see, the most important thing I do is
stop the drug or drugs that are making them gain weight.