Here’s how to stay on track on the Cat Food Diet (see the past 2 days blogs). Suck on Jols all day long. Jols are sugar-free, very low calorie candies that come in small boxes of 35 candies. Each candy is about the size of an M&M. 7 Jols contain 5 calories. I usually go through 1 box of Licorette and 1 box of Blackcurrant Jols every day that I follow the Cat Food Diet. 2 boxes of Jols add a combined total of 50 calories a day, not enough to slow down weight loss. Jols keep me satisfied and on track. Drinking at least a gallon (128 ounces) of green and black tea every day on the Cat Food Diet also helps, as the caffeine speeds fat burning and boosts energy. No veggies. Cats don’t eat veggies. Eat just canned protein. Nothing else. Most patients eat four 3-4 ounce cans a day, but you can eat 6-8 cans a day if you need to eat this much, and still lose weight.