If you absolutely, positively can’t stay on a low carbohydrate diet without cheating, try the Olive Oil Diet Trick for 3 days. See if it doesn’t significantly decrease your sweet and starch cravings, and allow you to stick to a low carb diet for the first time in your life without wandering. The Trick is to take in at leasst 50% of your calories in olive oil. If you have a steak, dunk it in half a cup of olive oil before grilling. If you have eggs, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to each egg before cooking. If you have tuna salad, dump 2-4 tablespoons of olive oil on top of the tuna and lettuce. If you have hot dogs, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to hot dog. If you have ribs, dump 1/4 cup of olive oil on top of the ribs before eating. The Olive Oil Trick takes your fat intake up to the ideal level of 75% of your calories each day, and decreases the amount of protein you eat. It signficantly decreases carbohydrate cravings.