As everyone always wants the fastest weight loss possible, the bet is that the fastest weight loss happens on the least amount of calories, the least amount of carbohydrate, the least amount of protein, and the least amount of fat – in this order. The most important thing to do to lose weight is to decrease your calories. If you are eating much more than 1500 calories a day, you probably won’t lose weight fast enough to stay motivated enough to stay on your diet. The second most important is to decrease your carbohydrates. The fewer carbohydrates you eat, the lower your insulin level, so the less fat storage. Try to limit carbohydrates to 5-10 grams per feeding. The third most important thing is to limit protein, because protein is metabolized to glucose, and if you eat too much protein on a low carb diet, you can start cravings sweets and starches. The fourth most important thing to do is to limit your fat intake, because fat has 9 calories per gram, compared to 4 calories per gram for protein and carbohydrate, and eating too much fat can take your calories to stupid, so you won’t lose weight.