The interesting thing about tapering your calories, especially if you are eating just protein and fat – is that it’s often
possible to easily get down to 500-1000 calories a day in just 2-3 days. If you ever have trouble cheating on
carbohydrates, increase your protein and fat calories to 1500-2000 a day for a day. Then do 1500 calories the
next day. Then drop down to 1000. You may or may not be able to get your calories down to 500. Half of my
patients can, the other half are just too darn hungry on 500 calories a day, and do better off on 1000. The good
news is that when it’s been studied, there is no significant difference in weight loss eating 500 calories a day,
compared to eating 800 calories a day. So if you are too hungry to stay on 500 calories of protein and fat a day,
don’t beat yourself up. Go up to 1000 calories a day and don’t worry about it. You already know if you should
eat your 1000 calories in one, two, three or four feedings a day. In terms of weight loss, it makes absolutely no
difference what time you eat or how often you eat. But in terms of well-being, it makes a big difference. You
already know how many feedings a day you’ll do best on. Do it.