The De Vany Food Pyramid

The De Vany Food Pyramid

The Food Pyramid that makes the most sense is Art De Vany’s from his Evolutionary Fitness program. The first
level of the De Vany Food Pyramid tells you to drink water when you are thirsty. The second level of De
Vany’s Food Pyramid tells you to eat fresh vegetables. The third level of De Vany’s Pyramid tells you to eat
meats and seafoods. The fourth level of De Vany’s Pyramid tells you to eat fruits. The fifth level of De Vany’s
Pyramid tells you to eat nuts, olive oil and avocados. The sixth level of De Vany’s Pyramid tells you to eat fresh
spices. De Vany’s Pyramid makes the most sense of any I’ve seen. Just don’t eat the fruit or nuts, if you want
to lose weight.