The best weight loss is the fastest

The best weight loss is the fastest

The best weight loss diet is the fastest weight loss diet. There’s no science that suggests slow weight loss retrains
your eating habits or shrinks your stomach. Your stomach cannot and does not shrink, except from bariatric
surgery, which is strongly not recommended, in light of the new weight loss drugs (Victoza, Symlin, Byetta, etc).
There’s no medical advantage to slow weight loss. You don’t learn anything or benefit from any metabolic
changes from slow weight loss. It just prolongs the agony. If you want to lose weight, faster is better. Fastest is
best. So, what should you eat? Studies have suggested that you are more likely to maintain weight you have
lost, if you lose weight quickly, and you get down to your goal weight. The problem with protein powder,
protein drinks and protein bars – is that if you live on just protein powder, drinks or bar for weeks to months,
you can develop severe nutritional deficiencies. There were several deaths at the height of the liquid protein diet
craze. If you want to lose weight quickly and safely, you are always better off eating real food. So, what’s the
best thing to eat if you want to lose weight? Tomorrow.