Sashimi (raw fish – sushi without the rice) is almost the ideal diet food. You can eat just about all the raw fish and Japanese vegetables and miso soup you like, and lose weight very rapidly. At 20 calories per ounce, raw fish is the one of the best protein-calorie bargains on the planet, right up there with 10 calorie egg whites. The problem is that raw fish is a microbiologic disaster. There’s a reason we cook out food – to kill bacteria. Medically speaking, eating raw fish makes no sense. You are begging to get a disease from uncooked fish. If you do eat sushi without the rice, you are better off eating shrimp and crab and eel – any fish that is served cooked. The problem is that the sushi maker can contaminate your cooked fish with bacteria from the uncooked fish, so try not to make sushi a regular thing. But it’s a near ideal diet food, if you don’t get sick.