You need a structured diet in order to lose weight, because if you don’t have a structure, you won’t be able to cut your calories enough for sustainable weight loss. The easiest structure is my Walk, Swim or Fly Diet – because if something doesn’t Walk, Swim or Fly, you don’t eat it. It’s my favorite simple structure that helps limit your calories and carbohydrate intake. The next level of structure I use is my variation of the Dukan Diet. Pierre Dukan is the Doctor Atkins of Paris. Dukan’s Diet is a more structured and lower fat version of Walk, Swim or Fly. The Dukan Diet works best for patients who like a moderately structured diet. The most structured diet I use is my Cat Food Diet, which specifically limits and lays out exactly what and how much, you can and can’t eat. Everyone responds differently to structure. Some patients do better, the more sturctured the diet. Other patients do worse on more sturctured programs. Take a look at all 3 diets. They are all here for you online. You probably already know how much structure you like. Go on the program that’s right for you.