The only 2 maintenance approaches that actually work are (1) Stay on a low carbohydrate Monday through Friday, and eat what you want on Saturday or on Sunday or on both days, OR (2) Eat what you want one day, and eat about 500 calories the next day. Alternate freely feeding with 500 calories, every other day, or limit yourself to 500 calories every 2-3 day. These are the only 2 maintenance programs I have found, that are effective. Trying to live on a low carbohydrate diet, all the time without cheating, just doesn’t work for most patients. Low carb living leads to just enough periodic binging to destroy weight loss. Low calorie, low fat, balanced eating, certainly doesn’t work. About 50% of patients can cheat 2 days a week on a low carb diet and maintain their weight. The other 50% can only cheat one day a week and maintain. 500 calories every other day, or a variation of this approach that alternates calorie restriction with free feeding, can also be very effective. This approach is especially good for patients who have simple, structured ways, to severely decrease their calories on their 500 calorie days.