If you keep cheating and falling off the diet, a good way to get going and stop cheating is to eat absolutely
unlimited quantities of anything that can Run, Walk, Swim or Fly for a week. Most patients will lose at least 5
pounds on unlimited dead animule feeding. The problem is that calories do count, somewhat, and if you get into
the habit of free and unlimited dead animule feeding, you are setting yourself up for trouble down the line. There’s
not much difference between the weight loss eating 500 or 1000 calories a day, when it’s been studied. You’ll
also lose weight twice as fast on 1500 calories of protein and fat, compared to 1500 calories of protein, fat and
carbohydrate. After 8 weeks on unlimited meat and fat feeding (Atkins, South Beach, The Zone, etc), the
average patient stops losing weight, because over time, your caloriies will climb over 3000 a day. But if you just
can’t seem to get started losing weight, take your first week and truly eat all the protein and fat you want. By the
end of the week, your carbohydrate cravings should be under control, so you can drop your calories to about
1500 a day.