Ever wonder where a diet doctor goes on the web for weight loss information? My favorite websites are
www.garytaubes.com and www.rawfoodsos.com Watch the videos (under the media tab) on Gary Taubes
site, Tabues has the best explanations of the science of weight loss I’ve seen. I did a fellowship in biochemistry
before medical school, so I love the science and biochemistry. Denise MInger’s site is really something. She
loves to disect bad science. MInger has looked extensively at the China Study (a best selling book
recommending a low fat, low animal protein, high carbohydrate diet) – and reviewing the science, comes up with
very different conclusions about the benefits of the diet. MInger herself lives on mostly raw food, which is where
the name of the site comes from. I also visit my diet doctor friends websites – www.docbeale.com
www.steelmanclinic.com www.drdenisebruner.com www.dietdrtom.com