My Fast Food Diet works at almost any fast food chain. At Wendy’s you can have up to 3 or 4 Half Pound
Cheeseburgers a day, or up to 5 or 6 small Chiles a day, or up to 5 or 6 Grilled Chicken Sandwiches a day. Just
don’t eat the buns. At Arby’s you can have up to 5 or 6 Regular Roast Beef Sandwiches a day with a little sauce
if you like. Once again, don’t eat the buns. At Burger King, you can have up to 3 or 4 Double Whoppers with
Cheese a day, or up to 5 or 6 Grilled Chicken Sandwiches a day. Don’t eat the buns. At Subway, have a salad
with cheese on it, with Tuna Salad or Seafood Salad or Grilled Steak or Meatballs. You’ll do better at Subway
with one of their higher fat proteins, than with their chicken or turkey or roast beef. You’ll actually do better and
be less hungry and cheat less – eating hamburgers and cheeseburgers and chicken sandwiches (no buns!), than
you will be eating salads. Burgers have a lot more fat than salads, and fat makes you feel fuller and more
satisfied. About the only place where my Fast Food Diet doesn’t work if the fried seafood chains, where
everything on the menu is batter-dipped and fried in oil. See my Run, Walk, Swim or Fly program (on the
Doctor Nagler’s Diet tab) for the rest of the guidelines for my Fast Food Diet.