The Simeons Diet (see yesterday’s blog) is the diet that was and is being used with HCG injections. HCG
injections are a placebo and do not work. If you are taking HCG injections or HCG drops or HCG tablets, stop
immediately. You could be harming yourself. The American Society of Bariatric Physicians issued a position
paper (I posted the position paper on the blog several months ago) condemning the use of HCG for weight loss,
because HCG does not work and could be dangerous. What works though, is the Simeons Diet. You must
follow the instructions exactly. You must eat your 2 Proteins, your 2 Veggies, you 2 Fruits and you 4 Crackers
every day, whether you want them or not. In terms of compliance and rapid weight loss, the Simeons Diet
creates some of the fastest and most consistent weight loss that’s been studied. You don’t need HCG shots to
make it work. If you want to lose a quick 10 pounds, try the diet for a week. Print out my blog from yesterday,
and check off the food you eat each day. Make sure you drink at least a gallon of water or non-caloric fluid
every day. Follow the instructions precisely. Most patients are surprisingly not hungry, surprisingly not craving,
and drop at least 10 pounds their first week on Simeons.