I cannot over emphasize the importance of where your head is at, if you want to lose weight. Half of losing weight is a decision, and you need psychological tools and strategies to help you deal with the deprivation that is dieting. 3000 calories a day are alot more fun than 500. Chocolate sundaes are alot more rewarding that broccoli. Cognitive Defusion doesn’t take away your carbohydrate cravings, but makes your craving easier to deal with, by turning down the volume. You will still crave ice cream and pizza, but Defusion makes it much eaisier to crave a Dairy Queen and not eat it. If you haven’t already, go to billnagler.com or my youtube channel – and do the 2 classic Cognitive Defusions – Carbs on a Cloud and Carbs on a Stream. Most patients only need to do these Defusions once or twice a day to stay on track.