If you want to lose weight, the only option that really works is to limit your calories to no more than about 1500 a day, and to limit your carbohydrate intake to about no more 10-20 grams per feeding. Limiting your carbohydrate intake is the key to weight loss, and the hard part. You can’t control your carbohydrate cravings. Carbohydrate cravings are automatic, something that happens to you. Your carbohydrate cravings come and go naturally over time in response to internal metabolic factors, and external cues – like when you pass a bakery, or when you see someone eating an ice cream cone, or when someone mentions M&M’s. If you can limit your carbohydrate intake, you can lose weight. Your total daily carbohydrate intake is the most important factor in how much you weigh. So if you can experience carbohydrate cravings and not eat carbohydrates, you can lose weight. Do an ACT Carbohydrate Craving Exercise twice a day to defuse your sweet and starch cravings, so you can stay on a low carbohydrate diet without cheating, and lose weight. Tug of War with the Carbohydrate Monster frames explains what’s going on. Carbs on a Stream and Carbs on a Cloud are the classic ACT defusions. You can also do Carbs in Cars Driving Past Your House, Carbs in People Walking by on the Street, Carbs in Suitcases on a Conveyor Belt, Carb Bubbles Rising to the Surface of a Pond, Carb Waves Washing on the Beach, Carb Birds Flying Across the Sky, Carb Trains pulling Out of the Station, Carb Leaves Blowing in the Wind. Do 2 minutes, twice a day of Carb Defusion, to keep your cravings under control, so you can lose weight.