To lose weight as fast as medically possible, you have to get in ketosis. Stop eating carbohydrates or stop eating completely for 1-3 days, and you should be in ketosis. Make sure you drink at least a gallon (128 ounces) of water or non-caloric fluid every day. When you stop eating carbohydrates, your body depletes your liver glycogen supply, and you go into ketosis. When you are in ketosis, you will be less hungry and have more energy. You are also burning fat more efficiently. Pick up a bottle of ketostix at your local drug store, and check your urine daily. Once you are in ketosis, you should drop at least 4-5 pounds every week, as long as you don’t take your calories to stupid (about 1500 a day), and keep your carbohydrates under 5-10 grams per feeding, so you stay in ketosis.