The balance between, protein, fat and carbohydrate is critcal for efficient weight loss. Think about weight loss in
terms of fat storage. You want your body to live off your stored fat, and you do not want your body to store fat
from the calories you are eating. Ironically, eating fat when you want to lose weight is not necessarily a bad
thing. Your body takes all the carobhydrate you eat, and uses it to store fat. Stored fat is triglyceride, and your
body takes the glycerol from any carbohydrate you eat, and uses it to make triglycerides, in other words to store
fat. So the first thing you have to do for efficient weight loss is to stop eating carbohydrate. If you are just eating
protein and fat, your body can also make glycerol out of any excess protein you are eating, and use this glycerol
for fat storage. So the key is not to eat too much protein, usually 50-100 grams of protein a day for most
patients. The question then boils down to fat intake, because fat contains 9 calories per gram compared to the 4
calories per gram for protein and carbohydrate. But if you limit your protein intake to 50-100 grams a day, you
might be able to eat almost unlimited fat and still lose weight, as long as you keep your total carbohydrate intake
to less than 5-10 grams per feeding. This means you might be able to eat cream cheese, pork rinds, butter, olive
oil, eggs, etc. Cream cheese has about 1 gram of carbohydrate per ounce, s you should limit yourself to 8
ounces per feeding. Pork rinds are generally almost carbohydrate free. Just make sure you are not eating too
much protein (over 100 grams a day) or too much carbohydrate (more than 5-10 grams per feeding) – and you
can probably eat all the fat you want and lose weight.