Once you realize you really can’t eat as much as you want and lose weight, what’s helpful is to come up with a
strategy for eating that builds in automatic portion control. Make up a set of rules for yourself and follow them.
For example, when I am at a fast food restaurant, I always order the same 1000 calorie meal. When I am at
McDonald’s, I always order 2 Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese (no bun). When I am at Burger King, I
always order 2 Double Whoppers with Cheese (no bun). When I am at Arby’s, I always order 2 Large Roast
Beef Sandwiches (no bun). When I am at Wendy’s, I always order 2 Double Quarter Pound Cheeseburgers (no
bun). When I am at Waffle House, I always order two 3 Egg Fiesta Omelets. Figure out a structured low
carbohydrate diet that you like and stick to it.