A trick to that can decrease both hunger and cravings is to suck on very low calorie sugar-free candy all day
long. This strategy helps many patients from eating all day long. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you eat once,
twice or six times a day. There’s no metabolic advantage or difference. By sucking on low calorie sugar-free
candy all day long, many patients hold off until dinner and eat a single 800-1200 calorie meal, and that’s it for the
day. Next time you are at Walgreen’s or CVS or Rite-Aid or wherever, look through their candy counters and
see what you can find that’s sugar-free and low calorie. Keep your total sugar-free candy calorie count below
100 for the day, and you’ll be fine. For example, my favorite low calorie sugar-free candy is Jols. Jols have 25
calories per package, contain 35 pieces of candy per package, are are available in licorice (product is called
Licorette), orange, black current and forest berry. Sugar-free candy works better than sugar-free gum. Don’t
do very low calorie sugared candy like Tic Tacs. You’ll rot your teeth.