It’s hard to explain how Large Group Awareness Training can give you control over your carbohydrate cravings,
because LGAT doesn’t reduce your cravings, but makes it easier not to eat sweets and starches, when you crave
them. LGAT is not something you can get from a book. You have to be in the group, or lock yourself in a room
with DVDs or audio CDs for 6-12 hours. LGAT works by breaking down your habitual defense mechanisms of
processing input, to make your more vulnerable to conditioning. LGAT causes fast emotional conditioning.
Putting on a seat belt is traditional slow conditioning. If you didn’t habitually use your seat belt, after 2-3 weeks of
forcing yourself to fasten your seat belt when you get in your car, it becomes automatic. You don’t have to think
about it anymore. You just fasten your seat belt. LGAT deconditions the anxiety associated with craving
carbohydrates and not eating them, but instead of taking 2-3 weeks, it takes 6-12 hours to learn this new
behavior (not eating carbohydrates, without anxiety), because LGAT puts you in an emotionally available state
for fast learning.