Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT) can help you lose weight, by decreasing your carbohydrate cravings.
More accurately, what LGAT does is decrease the tension associated with having carbohydrate cravings and not
eating carbohydrates. Your sweet and starch cravings don’t change after LGAT, what changes is your ability to
experience carbohydrate cravings and not give in to them. You experience less anxiety when cravings hit, so it’s
easier to stay focused and not cave. LGAT works by creating a plastic period of psychological vulnerability,
during which the tension of not eating (when you have cravings) is deconditioned. By decreasing the anxiety
associated with carbohydrate cravings (and not giving in to those cravings), it can be alot easier not to cheat.
Everyone falls off diets for the same reason, carbohydrate cravings. No one blows a diet on fish and salad. When
LGAT started in the 1960’s, it took 5 or 6 days in 12-hour marathon sessions. In the 1970s. LGAT was
decreased to 4 days, then 3 days in the 1990’s. But LGAT to decrease carbohydrate cravings can be done in 6-
12 hours.