Successful weight loss is always about dealing with your carbohydrate cravings. Everytime you fall off a diet, it’s
because of sweets or starches. No one ever blew a diet on salad. Ironically, you can’t really control your
carbohydrate cravings. What you can control is not putting sweets or starches in your mouth. In order to lose
weight, and half of losing weight is a decision, you are going to have to find a way to tolerate carbohydrate
craving, and not give in to carbohydrate eating. Prescription medications such as Zonegran, Topemax and
Naltrexone can help significantly diminish your carbohydrate cravings, but nothing can completely take
carbohydrate cravings away. You have to make up your mind that if you are going to lose weight, you are going
to crave carbohydrates and not eat carbohydrates. You’ve got to get your head in the diet place, if you are going
to successfully lose weight.