I’m a big fan of crash diets. Over the past month, I’ve posted several of my favorite crash diets for you – The 10
Days 10 Pounds Off Diet, The Grapefruit Diet, The Hot Dog Diet, The Meat and Mushroom Diet, The Skim
Milk and Banana Diet, The Cottage Cheese Blitz, The Steak and Tomato Diet, The Egg and Orange Diet, etc.
Crash diets are very safe for most patients to go on, for a few days to a few weeks. The crash diets that I
recommend are generally high protein and low calorie. You’ll feel better on a higher protein crash diet, than on a
lower protein crash. You’ll have more energy and be less hungry because of the protein. The advantage of a
crash diet is the structure and the monotony. Crash diets severely limit calories, and eating the same thing every
day makes you bored with eating, which is a good thing when you are trying to lose weight. Always drink at least
a gallon (128 ounces) of water or non caloric fluid (coffee, tea, diet pop, Crystal Lite, etc.) every day you are on
a crash diet or any diet. The most common problem I see in patients on diets is dehydration. I’m not kidding
about the importance of non-caloric fluid intake. For day in, day out weight loss, I recommend my Walk, Swim
or Fly program. But to lose a few pounds in a hurry, crash diets are a great way to go.