The Skim Milk and Banana Diet is another crash diet that’s usually good for 3-5 pounds in 3 days. You eat 4
bananas a day. Get the largest bananas you can find at the grocery store, and wait until they are nice and ripe
before you start the diet. Eat one banana for breakfast, one banana for lunch, one banan for dinner, and one
banan for an afternoon or evening snack. Every time you eat a banana, drink 8 ounces of skim milk. You are
going to drink a total of a quart (32 ounces) of skim milk a day. If you want to be fancy, you can put your
banana and milk in a blender, with a couple of ice cubes and some Equal or SweetnLow and some vanilla
extract. This is an 800 calorie diet. When it’s been studied, there is not a significant difference between the weight
loss on 500 calories a day, compared to 800 calories a day, so go for the biggest bananas you can get your
hands on.