Christmas weight loss

Christmas weight loss

If I can get you moving and exercising, you’ll probably feel better and have more energy – but the bet is you
won’t lose weight by exercising alone. You’ve got to limit calories to about 1500 a day. You’ll lose faster on
800-1000 calories a day. And when it’s been studied, there’s not a significant difference between eating 500
and 800 calories a day. If you limit your 1500 calories to protein and fat, you’ll lose twice as fast as if you are
eating 1500 calories of carbohydrate –because carbohydrate causes fat storage. Exercise burns fat out of your
fat stores, but exercise also dramatically increases your appetite. So it’s actually harder to lose weight when you
are exercising, because exercise makes you hungry and eat more. The best of all possible worlds is a moderate
exercise program (preferably Interval Training for the best bang for the buck), coupled with carbohydrate
restriction and calorie reduction. Yes Virginia, there really is no Santa Claus.