How to cheat and keep losing weight is always a problem. Run, Walk, Swim and Fly is the only program I know
that consistently works, if you follow it consistently. The average patient on the usual low calorie balanced diet
weighs more when they quit the diet than when they started it. Balanced diets don’t work, because you get
hungry, you go into feeding frenzy, and in half an hour you undo all the weight you have lost in a week. I see this
time and time again on balanced low calorie diets, which is why I don’t use them. Run, Walk, Swim or Fly
consistently works, especially if you know how to cheat an still be on the diet. The best cheat is a milkshake
made of 1 cup of cottage cheese, 1 cup of diet pop and 4 ice cubes. Put everything in a blender for about 30
seconds. Try it with Diet Vernor’s, it’s amazing. Ditto Faygo or Sunkist Diet Orange Soda. Or Faygo Diet
Cream Soda. Or A&W Diet Root Beer. If you want ice cream instead of a milkshake, use less diet pop. More
tomorrow on how to cheat, and still stay on the diet.