Your carbohydrate cravings are not in your head. Carbohydrate cravings are a biochemical reaction caused by
low levels of the hormones leptin and glp1, and high levels of the hormone ghrelin. You can eliminate your
carbohydrate cravings. Try these approaches, until your sweet and starch cravings disappear. It usually takes 3
or 4 days for a strategy to work completely, so give each approach chance, until your cravings are gone. Poultry
(probably because of the hormones injected) causes carbohydrate cravings for many patients. Stay off chicken
and turkey for 3 or 4 days, and see what happens to your sweet and starch cravings. It’s amazing how often
hardcore carb addicts stop eating carbs, when they stop eating poultry. Diet Jello satisfied sweet cravings for
some patients and triggers sweet cravings in others – test it. Some patients experience fewer sweet and starch
cravings eating 4-6 small meals a day. Other patients have fewer carbohydrate cravings eating 1 or 2 meals a day
– try both approaches and see which works better for you. Some patients have fewer cravings by increasing or
decreasing the amount of fat they eat on Run, Walk, Swim or Fly. Play with higher or lower fat intake for a few
days, and see what happens to your cravings. The easiest way to increase your fat intake is with cheese (100
calories a slice) and mayonnaise (100 calories a tablespoon.) It’s hard, but try not to go much over 1500 calories
a day when you are increasing your fat intake. You can also try increasing and decreasing your protein intake,
and see if this makes your carbohydrate cravings better or worse. On days you want to decrease your protein,
just fill up on Veggies, anything you want, as much as you want, without butter or oil – except NO peas, potatoes
or corn. Another thing that helps some patients eliminate their carbohydrate cravings is a Big Breakfast. Don’t eat
anything at all until you are hungry, your Big Breakfast can be at 4pm – and make your first meal a big one, 500-
1000 calories of protein and fat without carbohydrate. Eating a Big Breakfast, and it doesn’t matter what time
you eat it, helps many patients eliminate unwanted carbohydrate cravings. If you can get off carbohydrates, you
can lose weight. If you can’t get off carbohydrates, you can’t lose weight. If you are having unwanted
carbohydrate cravings, Try each of these approaches, and see what works best for you.