Drink diet tonic water to control your carbohydrate cravings – you can’t cheat and lose weight

Drink diet tonic water to control your carbohydrate cravings – you can’t cheat and lose weight

Once you understand Run, Walk, Swim or Fly, and the diet works perfectly if you follow it perfectly – you’ve
got to get your head in the right place so you can follow the diet and lose weight. Half of losing weight is a
decision. I’m not a fan of writing down everything you eat, because it’s a crutch that stops working when you
stop writing. I’m not a fan of group support meetings, because when they have been studied, participants learn
bad habits from eat other – like taking food out of the garbage and eating it, once you’ve thrown it away. If you
are falling off the diet, not following it consistently, the bet is you are falling off about the same time every day.
You are getting a hormonal spike and craving sweets or starches, about the same time every day. It’s all about
carbohydrate craving. If you can figure out how to control your carbohydrate cravings, you can follow and be
successful on Run, Walk, Swim or Fly. If you can’t control your carbohydrate cravings, you are just going to
weight cycle. Fluid helps. Makes sure you are drinking at least a gallon (128 ounces) of water a day. Diet pop
and artificial sweeteners help some and hurt others. For some patients, Diet Coke controls their sweet cravings
and allows them to follow the diet without cheating. For other patients, Diet Coke triggers sweet and starch
cravings and causes cheating. Some patients have fewer carbohydrate cravings and do better on Run, Walk,
Swim or Fly without any Veggies. Other patients do much better on the diet with Veggies. One quart of Diet
tonic water a day helps some patients decrease their carbohydrate cravings.