You can’t freely feed on a low carb diet – and expect to lose weight

You can’t freely feed on a low carb diet – and expect to lose weight

If you’re following a low carb diet (10-20 grams of carb per feeding), and you’re not losing weight fast enough, or you’re not losing weight at all – you’re eating too many calories. You cannot freely feed on a high protein, low carbohydrate diet – and expect to lose weight. You are depriving yourself from the sweets and starches you are craving. In exchange for this deprivation, you need to see weight loss. To see weight loss, you have to keep you calories at no more than 1000-1500 a day. To keep your calories below 1500 a day, you can’t freely feed on protein and fat. You need a structured low carbohydrate, low calorie food intake, so you can lose weight.