It helps to put yourself outside the box of “normal” eating, when you want to lose weight. Weight loss has to be rapid, or you won’t see results fast enough to stay motivated to stay on your diet. 3000 calories a day are alot more fun than 500. When you go off normal food, you’ve got built-in structure and portion control. Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice may not be fine dining, but it certainly helps to limit yourself to a 240 calorie lunch or dinner. Sugar-free Popsicles, Creamsicles and Fudgesicles don’t give you the sugar rush of the real thing. But at 15, 30 and 40 calories – you’re doing less than 25% of the damage of the sugared versions. Hard boiled eggs can be pretty boring, but that built-in 70 calories is much better for your wasteline that the scrambled 150 calorie version. McDonald’s Chicken Salad with diet dressing may not be wonderful, but 225 calories is.