The problem with losing weight taking appetite suppressants alone, is that once you stop the appetite
suppressants, your lost weight tend to pour back on, unless you are vigilant in restricting your carbohydrate
intake. In order to lose weight, the rule is to keep your calorie intake under 1500 a day, and to keep your
carbohydrate intake under 10-15 grams per feeding. (Under 8 grams of carbohydrate per feeding is even better.)
In order to maintain weight, the rule is you don’t have to worry about calories, as long as you keep your
carbohydrate intake under 20-30 grams per feeding. The two worst foods you can eat in terms of fat storage, for
both weight loss and weight maintenance, are alcohol and fruit. Your body makes twice as much alpha glycerol
phosphate metabolizing alcohol and fruit, compared to other carbohydrates. Alpha glycerol phosphate is the
primary source of glycerol for fat storage (making trigylcerides), so drinking alcohol and eating fruit store twice as
much fat as other carbohydrates.