The brilliance of the Dukan Diet is that it’s super-quick weight loss, without the danger of the liquid protein diets.
By eating animal protein, instead of predigested liquid protein, you avoid the protein calorie malnutrition and
problems associated with liquid protein diets. But you lose weight almost as fast as if you were on liquid protein,
because you are eating only protein and keeping calories to a bare minimum,. Dukan is designed to get off as
much weight off as possible in a hurry, and deal with maintenance .later. By eliminating fat and just eating
protein, your body is forced to burn your own fat stores for fuel. Once you have lost weight on Dukan, you can
keep the weight off by adding back omega-3 fats – which is why I encourpage patients to add 2 tablespoons of
olive olive to every meal, once they have lost weight. As you are losing weight on Dukan, any excess fat calories
you eat are burned before your body fat – and any excess protein is converted to sugar, which is stored as fat.
The average patient eats 700-1100 calories of protein a day on Dukan, so weight comes off very quickly. The
key is quick weight loss is to keep calories a low as possible, keep fat as low as possible, and eat just enough
protein to protect lean body mass.