If you can figure out how to eat 1000-1500 calories of protein and fat every day, without out carbohydrate, you
can lose weight. The easiest way to do this is with fast food hamburgers or roast beef or grilled chicken, which
are generally 200 calories per burger or filet or slices of beef, without the bun. If you don’t want to do fast food,
a serving of dead animule the size of your fist is 400 calories. Always remember that obesity is about fat storage,
and carbohydrates make your body store fat. The American obesity epidemic is caused by eating too much
carbohydrate, not by eating too many calories. No one ever got fat on protein and fat. Most people are
overweight because of excess carbohydrate. If you look at the rise in obesity in this country, it is the same as the
rise in carbohydrate intake. But you can’t freely feed on protein and fat, and expect to lose weight. The first
week on unlimited feeding low carbohydrate diets, the average calorie intake is 700-1100 per day. By week 8,
the average patient is freely feeding on more than 3000 calories a day, so weight loss stops. I like canned dead
animal for portion control. You can eat 4-6 four ounces cans of tuna, chicken, shrimp, sardines, clams, or turkey
every day and lose weight. You can eat 2-3 eight ounce plastic packages of cold cuts (ham, turkey, bologna,
salami, roast beef, chicken) every day and lose weight too. Figure out the 1000-1500 calories of protein and fat
that work for you.