After you’ve drunk the Kool-aid and realized that it’s all carbs, the biggest factor in determining your how much you weigh is your carbohydrate intake, the thing you have to do to really lose weight is to cut your calorie intake. You’re already limiting your carbohydrates to 10-20 grams per feeding, and you’ve lost 10-30 pounds. But to get you to goal, to get you the rest of the way down, you’ve got to cut your calories. The easy way to do this is to switch to mostly fish, shellfish, poultry, eggs, cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. Fish and shellfish are 20-30 calories an ounce. Chicken and turkey are 40 calories an ounce. Eggs are 70 calories each. Cottage cheese is 80 calories per half cup. Greek yogurt is 100 calories per serving. No nuts, no cheese, no beef – all 100 calories per ounce.