The best way to lose 3-5 pounds a week

The best way to lose 3-5 pounds a week

You can’t eat unlimited protein and fat, and expect to lose weight. It’s just not going to happen. The advantage of a low carbohydrate diet is that you will be far less hungry, you will have far fewer cravings, and your body will store fat less efficiently in the absense of carbohydrate. But the disadvantage of a low carbohydrate diet, is the insane notion that you can eat as much as you want, and lose weight. Low carb diets work and they work well, when you limit your calories. If you don’t limit how many calories you are eating, you’ll just go through the deprivation of not eating carbohydrates, and you don’t lose any weight. Try to keep your calories under 1500 a day. 1000 is better. 500 is even better, but it’s probalby not going to happen as it’s almost no food. 1500 calories a day is a do-able number for most patients. You’ll lose 3-5 pounds a week on a 1500 calorie low carbohydrate diet.