I can’t emphasize enough the importance of structure and portion control for low carbohydrate weight loss. Freely feeding on a low carbohydrate diet does not work for most patients. Calorie intake goes way too high, way too fast – and weight loss slows to a snail’s pace or stops. Plan in advance what you are going to eat each meal, and how much you are going to eat. If you are going to a restaurant, look at the menu online, or always order the same thing or same things at restaurants. Low carb diets work if you let them work, because you won’t be hungry. The problem is it’s way too easy to eat 3000-4000 low carb calories a day, and not lose any weight. Try to keep your calories at no more than 1500 a day, if you want to lose weight fast enough to stay motivated and keep dieting. Don’t make yourself too crazy about this number. You can probably eat 1800 calories a day and still lose weight. But once you start going much over 1500 calories a day, your weight loss is going to be too slow for you to stay on a low carb (or any) diet.