Posting calories on the menu at McDonald’s and Starbucks won’t help you lose weight, because successful
weight loss is more about limiting fat storage than limiting excess calories. Cutting calories doesn’t work, because
if you just cut your calories without reducing your carbohydrate intake, the bet is you’ll be way too hungry to
successfully cut your calories enough to lose weight. At some point on a full carbohydrate, reduced calorie diet,
feeding frenzy hits, and in less than an hour, you can gain back all the weight you have lost in a week. There are 4
hormones involved that control hunger: leptin, grelin, insulin and glp1. When your insulin and grelin levels are high,
you are hungry. When your glp1 and leptin levels are low, you are hungry. Restricting carbohydrate intake lowers
ghrelin and insulin, and increases glp1 and leptin. After 3 days on less than 10 grams of carbohydrate per feeding,
you’ll be less hungry and have almost no sweet and starch cravings, because of lower insulin and ghrelin, and
higher glp1 and leptin.