Because half of losing weight is a decision, you have to get your head in the right place to follow a diet and lose weight. Most patients make dieting way too complicated. (1) If you’re not hungry, don’t eat. The less you eat, the faster you are going to lose weight. Skip meals. Go all day without eating, etc. It doesn’t matter what time or how often you eat. It’s like putting gas in your car. Doesn’t matter what time or how often you fuel up. (2) When you do eat, try to limit yourself to about a pound of protein a day. For practical purposes, it’s doesn’t matter all that much what protein you eat. Eat eggs, cottage cheese, beef, pork, lamb, veal, fish, shellfish, hot dogs, Greek Yogurt, etc. (3) No nuts, cheese, lowfat yogurt – way too many calories and too much carbohydrate, way too fast.