Living on much less carbohydrate than the average bear isn’t difficult. The American obesity epidemic isn’t too
many calories, it’s too much carbohydrate per feeding, which causes too much fat storage. Toss away the top
slice of bread in every sandwich, and you’ve not only cut the carbs in half, but the sandwich tastes better too. Try
a sandwich on lettuce leaves or on a slice of cheese instead of bread, and see if you don’t like it better. Have
spaghetti sauce on spinach, cauliflower or spaghetti squash. Have pizza or quiche, and treat the crust like
cardboard. Have a taco salad and leave the taco shell. Use more mustard and less ketchup. Never, ever drink
real pop or chew sugared gum. Have a bagel with cream cheese, but pull out and throw away most of the bread
inside the bagel crust.