How to lose 5 pounds every week

How to lose 5 pounds every week

Calories count in terms of both weight loss and weight maintenance, but they are not the whole story. If you
absolutely, positively restrict your carbohydrate intake to 10-20 grams of carbohydrate a day, and keep your
calories under 2000 – if you’re like most of my patients, you’ll lose 5 pounds every week. The problem is you
absolutely, positively cannot cheat. It’s amazing how many calories you can eat, up to a point, and still lose
weight – if you don’t eat any carbohydrate. By any carbohydrate, I mean 5-10 grams per feeding, and 2 or 3
feedings a day. Once you truly get this, it can be life changing. Keep your calories under 2000 a day, keep your
carbohydrates under 20 grams a day, absolutely, positively do not cheat – and you’ll drop about 5 pounds every