Think fat storage not calories, if you want to minimize weight gain over the holidays. Carbohydrates make your
body store fat. The more carbohydrates you eat, the more fat you are going to store. The two worst
carbohydrates you can eat are fruit and alcohol, because they store twice as much fat. Your body makes twice
as much alpha glycerol phostphate from fruit and alcohol as from other carbohydrates, so it stores twice as much
fat. If you limit your carbs to 50 grams a day, you won’t gain weight over the holidays. If your carbs are going
over 50 grams a day, then you’ve got to seriously limit you calories too, to avoid gaining weight. Fish and shellish
have 20-30 calories per ounce. Chicken and turkey are 40 calories per ounce. Lean beef (filet mignon) is 50
calories an ounce. So if your carbs are going much over 50 a day, stick to fish. It’s got less than half the calories
of poultry or beef. Liquid calories are the worst, so watch out for fruit juices, coffee drinks and ice cream. Yes,
ice cream is a liquid calorie. It will take you half an hour to eat 6 oranges, and give you a stomach ache. But you
can drink a 600 calorie glass of orange juice in a minute. Starbucks and Barnes and Noble used to make an 800
calorie hot chocolate. Always ask for the calorie count of what you are drinking at Starbucks. If it’s much over
200 calories, and Starbucks sells lots of 600 plus calorie drinks, you shouldn’t be drinking it.