Holiday diet drinks

Holiday diet drinks

A trick that can help you get through the holidays without weight gain is diet drinks. Nestle makes a 20 calorie
fat free hot chocolate. Swiss Miss makes a 25 calorie hot chocolate. Alpine makes a 15 calorie hot spiced
apple cider. Popsicle makes 10 calorie sugar-free popsicles, 20 calorie sugar-free creamsicles, and 35 calorie
sugar-free creamsicles. Meijers sells combination packs that contain all 3 varieties. The average flavored coffee
drink at Starbucks contains 400-800 calories. The average scoop of ice cream contains 200 calories. The
average juice drink is more than 200 calories. As near as makes no difference, diet pop is calorie free. Sugared
pop is over 200 calories a bottle. Diet Snapple is calorie free. Sweet tea contains 200-400 calories per serving.
Always think of ice cream as a liquid calorie. Sherbert has 100 calories per scoop, compared to 200 calories
plus for a scoop of ice cream. Chcolate syrup adds 100-200 calories to a sundae. Strawberries or pineapple
add 50-100 calories. Whipped cream adds 100-200 calories per squirt. Cool Whip is 25 calories per