Sugar-free Lifesavers are available in 5 Flavor bags (cherry, pineapple, orange, raspberry, watermelon), Wint-ogreen
bags, Pep-o-mint bags, Butter Toffee bags, Sorbet bags and Cherry bags. Lifesavers have about 7.5
calories each, so you can have 12 a day and be under 100 calories. Jolly Rancher sugar-free bags are also
available in assorted flavors and have 10 calories each, so you can have 10 a day and be at 100 calories. Up to
100-200 calories per day of diet candy is the magic number to shoot for. It’s worth taking a day or two and try
sucking on sugar-free candy all day. See if this keeps you from eating. This trick works for many patients. You
can get bags of sugar-free candy at most grocery stores and from Amazon. My favorite are Jols, as there are
only 25 calories in 35 pieces, and 2 boxes usually last me all day.