It’s easy to lose 5 pounds every week on protein and vegetables, especially if you take it easy on the vegetables,
and keep your protein intake below 1500 calories a day. The easiest way to do this is with fast food hamburgers
(no bun, but lettuce, tomato, onions and pickles are okay), and cheese if you like. A fast food hamburger (no
bun) is 200 calories, whether it comes from McDonald’s, Wendy’s or Burger King. A slice of cheese on the
burger adds 50 calories. Take a day or two and figure out if you feel better eating 200-250 calories four times a
day, or if you feel better eating 400-500 calories twice a day. You probably know the answer to this question
now, but if you are at all uncertain, eat (for example) one Quarter Pounder with Cheese (no bun) four times a
day. The next day eat two Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese (no bun) twice a day. I always feel better
eating just one meal a day, but that’s me. You need to find out for yourself, whether you feel best eating once,
twice, or even six times a day.