Sweet and starch cravings are the problem on low carb diets, once you get your total calorie intake away from stupid. Artificial sweeteners (Equal, SweetnLow, Truvia, Splenda) help some patients deal with sweet and starch cravings, for other patients artificial sweeteners make cravings worse. Adequate hydration can help. Make sure ou drink at least a gallon (128 ounces) of non-caloric fluid a day. Caffeinated beverages can help – coffee, tea, iced tea, iced coffee, Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, etc. That said, these beverages make cravings worse for some patients. Exercise can help. Adequate sleep can help. Writing down everything you put in your mouth can help. Prescription medications that can curb carbohydrate cravings can help – Zonegran, Topemax, Naltrexone, DPP4 inhibitors, metformin, GLP1.